Just over a year ago we were lucky enough to be back in Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe and what a pleasure to be able to share this magic spot with our three children, Kai (9), Rhian (7) and Cadan – who turned 5 in Hwange! Hwange is one of the few places left in Africa where the fabulous endangered African Wild Dog, or Painted Dog still live. We were very lucky and not only did we briefly see 8 wild dogs below Sinamatela Camp but we then saw a pack of 5 wild dogs right by Main Camp – including coming across them just finishing off a tasty meal of impala – what fun watching them chasing off the cheeky vultures!
Wild dogs have ALWAYS been Kai’s favourite animal and so we had to visit the Painted Dog Conservation Centre which is located just outside of Hwange. We were blown away by the amazing work done at the centre, all the information about the painted dogs and most of all by the work being done with the local communities. It’s wonderful to see car loads of children from local schools – wide eyed and so excited – connecting with the animals, birds and landscapes of Hwange.
Kai had his 10th birthday back in Australia in March this year and asked all his friends to give him a small amount of money in lieu of presents. He raised $250 and donated it all to Painted Dog Conservation, adopting the Nyamandhlovu. The Centre will keep him to date on how the pack is going throughout the year (and for many years beyond that as Kai assures us he’s determined to keep supporting wild dogs!).
See more of the great work Painted Dog Conservation Inc at http://painteddogconservation.iinet.net.au

Our proud son!

Outside the Painted Dog Conservation Centre

The dogs take off after their feed